Garrette Daugherty

Creative Director

Garrette joined The Evoke Group in October of 2019 as a Visual Content Strategist/Full Stack Designer. Having worked as an in-house, freelance, and agency based designer he has developed the necessary skills to combine design and marketing ideas to result in well-formulated design solutions. With a passion for typography, grids, illustration, and other tasty bits of graphic design, Garrette strives to support businesses on the back of these creative principles.

A love for art and design stemmed way back from high school fine art and digital media classes for Garrette. He attributes his falling in love with art to dropping his “Spanish 4” course sophomore year. Dropping this class freed up his schedule enough to take his first set of art classes. Since then he has ensured he is up to date with the ever-changing landscape of marketing and design; but still doesn’t know a lick of Spanish.

Garrette’s favorite part of working with The Evoke Group is creating meaningful materials and marketing strategies that help companies grow. Being a part of company growth both within The Evoke Group and on the client-side is extremely rewarding. Here is a direct quote from Garrette and his work at The Evoke Group: “Plain and simple we make cool, good looking s**t that works. It helps companies grow, increases sales, convert leads, and looks good while doing it! What is better than that?”.

Garrette doesn’t have a trophy to prove it but he has been titled the “All things Adobe Guru” from a great many peers and coworkers. There is something about knowing the software in and out that makes him tick. He is not proud to say it, but he has notifications turned on for five Adobe products on Twitter and Instagram.

When Garrette is not creating you can usually catch him out on the soccer field playing or coaching the world’s greatest sport or at home on the couch watching movies with his wife Katherine and son Zeke. If sports and family aren’t occupying his time, you can find him posted up in his home office drawing or gaming.

Quick facts:
Favorite movie: Good Will Hunting, Favorite color: Orange or Navy, Favorite support color: Grey, Mac or PC: Mainly MAC. PC for gaming, Height: Not quite tall enough to reach the top shelf, Favorite beer: Logboat Raspberry Shiphead, Caffeine of choice: GFUEL, Favorite podcast: The Honest Designer Show

The Evoke Group - Columbia, MO

505 Fay St. #204

Columbia, MO 65201

(573) 303-5476

The Evoke Group - Denver, CO

1415 Park Ave. W 2nd Floor

Denver, CO 80205

(720) 619-4232

©2025 The Evoke Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Evoke Group - Columbia, MO
505 Fay St. #204
Columbia, MO 65201

(573) 303-5476

The Evoke Group - Denver, CO
1415 Park Ave. W 2nd Floor
Denver, CO 80205

(720) 619-4232

©2025 The Evoke Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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