The value of design is only increasing and becoming more prominent every year.
As I was browsing the wide world of Youtube a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across this talk from the Awwwards Conference back in March, titled “The Centrality of Design” and was blown away by some of the statistics that made my personal theories about the relationship between design, humans, and business. The talk I’m referring to is Josh Brewer, Founder/CEO at Made by Habitat, Former Principal Designer at Twitter, Graphic interaction UX Product Designer, explaining the benefits of designing your meetings, using “prototyping” in many different facets, the explosion of design in leadership positions, and the idea that sketching together (even you “non-creative” types) can dramatically improve how you communicate.
Design is the crux in everything we do here at The Evoke Group. Through our video production, web development, animation, and our traditional mediums, we’ve kept design at the forefront and we continue to do so with our clients every day.