
With video, you can communicate your brand story in a way that consumers will actually enjoy and remember. In this guide, I’ll share my tips for planning your own video marketing strategy—starting with setting goals and defining your audience.

Step #1. Set Your Goals

The first step in planning your video is to define the problem. Before you start thinking about solutions, it’s important to know what you want your video to achieve.

For example: if your goal is to increase sales conversions by 20% in 6 months and have 100% brand awareness among millennials within 24 hours of launch day (which is ambitious but not impossible), then you’ll need a different strategy than if your goals are just “make more money” and “get more customers.”

Once you’ve decided on what kind of impact you want from the video itself, review that goal with someone else who understands it well enough so they can give feedback on whether it’s realistic or not.

Step #2. Find Your Purpose

Once you’ve got your idea, it’s time to get down to business. In this step, you’ll want to define what the purpose of your video is. Is it meant to inform? Entertain? Persuade? Educate? Or maybe all of these things at once? Whatever your goal may be, make sure it’s clear in both mind and on paper before moving on!

Once you know why you’re making a video (and what its ultimate use will be), we can move onto the next step.

Step #3. Identify Your Audience

Now that you’ve got a handle on your purpose and goals, it’s time to narrow down the audience.

Who are they? What do they want? How can your video help them?

Your audience might be an individual or a group of people with similar interests or needs, who may or may not be aware of what you have to offer. It could also be an organization that has its own unique challenges and opportunities–like a local government agency looking for ways to keep citizens informed about important issues affecting their community, for example.

Step #4. Define Your Budget and Timeline

In order to make your video, you need to know how much money you have to spend. This means that you need to create a budget and timeline for your project.

In most cases, the two are linked; if you have a specific amount of time in which to complete something (e.g., “I have one month from now until I leave town”), then it’s likely that your budget will also be limited by this deadline (i.e., “I can only afford $2,000”). But sometimes these things aren’t related: maybe there’s no hard deadline on when something needs done by but still only enough funds available for certain amounts of production time or equipment rentals over others–in which case it’s up to us as filmmakers/video producers who have been given this responsibility by our clients (or ourselves!)…and who want nothing more than success!

Step #5. Brainstorm Where You Should Share or Advertise Your Video

Now that you have your script and video production in hand, it’s time to start thinking about where you should share or advertise your video.

  • Traditional TV commercials can be a great way to reach a large audience (especially if you’re buying airtime during prime time). However, they have some drawbacks: they are expensive and can only be targeted at specific audiences based on location and age groups.
  • OTT (Over-the-top Media Placements) refers to online streaming services like Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime Video where viewers watch content on demand instead of having scheduled programming like cable TV offers.
  • Social Media Platforms – Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; TikTok – all offer ways for users with large followings (or even small ones) to make money off their accounts by sharing ads with their followers in exchange for compensation from brands who want access to those eyeballs! This option works well if you already have an established social media following but may not be ideal if this is something new for you since building up followers takes time/money + effort before starting to earn anything substantial.

Step #6. Choose a Video Type (and Script Format) That Fits Your Purpose

You’ve decided that you want to make a video. Now it’s time for the fun part: figuring out what kind of video you want to make.

The first step in this process is deciding on a format and purpose for your video. For example, if your goal is simply to introduce yourself or share some information with potential customers, then a simple voiceover driven video would work well. On the other hand, if you’re trying to get more people interested in donating money or volunteering at an event then an interview driven format may be better suited for communicating with them effectively (and being able to show off their faces!).

Step #7. Outline the Creative Brief for Your Video Production Team

In a nutshell, the creative brief is a document that outlines all of your video production team’s needs and expectations. It helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goal.

The purpose of a creative brief is to:

  • Communicate your vision for the video project
  • Set expectations for all involved parties (including yourself) about what you want from the final product
  • Provide direction for those involved in producing, directing and editing your video

With video, you can communicate your brand story in a way that consumers will actually enjoy and remember.

Video is a great way to tell your brand story. It can be used for many purposes, including marketing and advertising, educating and inspiring customers, sharing information about your company or products/services.

It’s also an excellent way to connect with new audiences on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok where video is king!


Now that you know the basics of how to plan your video, it’s time to dive in and start planning! This process can seem overwhelming at first, but if you keep these tips in mind as well as keep on top of things along the way then there’s no reason why your video shouldn’t be a success.

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